Saturday, April 4, 2009

My Birthday

I've never had a huge birthday party before. I've always had really nice birthdays from when I was little and had friends sitting on the floor in the living room eating hot dogs to a fabulous little surprise party when I was in high school and some excellent dinners during college and in Texas, but Nigeria puts birthdays on a whole new level.

My friend Helen was the brains behind the entire operation and she helped me plan for, shop for, and organized the preparation in the kitchen. I simply took orders, chopped onions, peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, and watermelon while everyone else put the ingredients together into yummy rice, cabbage salad, and fruit salad!

I was overwhelmed by how many of my friends came by, showed their love, support and friendship. I was pretty nervous about not really knowing what to do, what I was responsible for, what tasks should be assigned, but my friends were awesome and guided me through the whole program. Different people got music and speakers, chairs, decorated the table, brought over plates, silverware, contributed pop, fixed light many things!

In true Nigerian fashion there were many prayers, a mini-sermon, and of course dancing! It was a WONDERFUL day and I feel so blessed to have had such a fabulous group of people supporting me here in addition to all the amazing wishes and greetings that I received from my friends and family back home. Thanks to everyone for helping make my 27th birthday one to remember!

Check out the pictures as they are able to convey a little more of the experience especially with the captions! :)


tam said...

I'm glad you had a great birthday. Stay encouraged my friend. Life's little joys (& especially the big ones!) are so precious. When this experience is lived and you begin the next chapter, God is still good and you are still loved by so many. Welcome to another year.

Laura R. said...

Aww- sounds like fun!! Especially the watermelon... YUM. :)

~Laura M.

Amy said...

You're an April birthday, too? Happy Birthday! Mine's coming up on the 19th. Your party sounds awesome! you obviously have really touched and inspired so many lives just by being you! Keep it up!