Monday, March 30, 2009


We have been in "dry" season since basically October. Now, I lived in San Antonio for 4 years and it's pretty dry there, but there was still the occasional rainfall intermingled throughout the many sunny days all year long. Here, they were joking when they said DRY! Not a single drop of rain from October until March 29th. Even then, it was simply a sprinkling.

Today, however, we got rain! I had been promising everyone that when it finally rained I was going to go outside and play in it wherever I was. I happened to be at home with a friend who refused to join in the fun and even my little 4-year old neighbor refused to play, but I thoroughly enjoyed it! It had been around 110 degrees for multiple HOT! Despite 3 showers per day, I was sweating constantly...and that cold water from earlier in my stay is now just nice and toasty! :) Hence I LOVED twirling around in the pouring rain and cool breeze!!! Even the mud is delightful after all the dust! Yay for changes in seasons! :)


Unknown said...

so, is it the wet season now? or is there even a wet season??

isuflank said...

sounds like iraq! i was so sick of just sunny days with no clouds and it being like 120. i feel your pain! and the shower situation too!!!

Carolyn said...

People have been saying that it's "rainy" season now, but there's still dust flying everywhere, so I'll believe that we've transitioned when I can see the mountains in the distance again! :)