Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Friday Afternoon Crowds

Growing up in Wilton, Iowa, attending college in Cedar Falls, Iowa and then living for 4 years in San Antonio, TX, I have clearly always lived in predominantly Christian communities. Before coming to Jalingo, Nigeria, I had read that the area was divided fairly evenly between Christianity and Islam. A friend who had lived in Lagos, Nigeria for a year had mentioned the craziness that ensues on Fridays when the mosques let out. Thankfully, I have not encountered any pandemonium, but on Friday afternoon we were picking up a few things downtown and there were throngs of people walking along the streets. I asked Hannahtu if there was some big special event going on. She said that it was simply people walking to the mosques. Interesting experience!


Faith said...

In Indonesia, they would have music blaring on the loudspeakers, it was pretty awkward, it felt like you lived in chaos. Except for quiet day, where we had to be unbelievably quiet for the entire day to respect their day of silence.

the god mother said...

Glad to hear that your classes are going well. How many students do you have? How many classes do you teach? When does your day begin and end?

Congrats on "joining" the choir it sounded like a lot of fun!
Have a great rest of the week and weekend!