Monday, September 15, 2008


It's the rainy season here in Nigeria right now. I enjoy the rain for the most part as it keeps it cooler, but it's really interesting how the Nigerians aren't really fans. They appreciate the rain for the agriculture and for the clean drinking water, but they think it's way too cold! Today I was walking to the Internet Cafe after school when it got really cloudy and I could tell that rain was coming soon. People were packing up their food booths and scurrying around to beat the rain. As I was walking by, normally people just stare, but today I had so many people look at me and say, "Rain! It's going to rain!" (Really, I think they were implying, "Idiot, it's going to rain! Get inside!") I just smiled and felt that I now had a legitimate reason to walk fast. Thankfully, I made it before it poured!!!

I had been told last week by my friend Laura that people had commented to her that her white friend walks too fast. I started noticing that everyone here walks at the pace of a leisurely stroll. I'm used to walking as if I'm on a mission because normally I am! I am now making a conscious effort to slow my pace down in order to better blend in...okay...a girl can hope, right?! :)

1 comment:

mouser said...

Almost sounds like you were in the Twilight Zone for a minute.