Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Cell Phone

I am officially the proud owner of a Nigerian cell phone! YAY! Most everyone here in the city has cell phones because it doesn’t require the infrastructure that landlines would require. It’s kind of incredible the service that’s available in the boondocks! One interesting feature that many cell phones here have that I hadn’t seen in the US is that they have a flashlight on the end! How ingenious! In the US, with light pollution running rampant, it isn’t that important, but here where the world becomes black after 7pm, it’s a life saver. I'm a little bummed that the instruction manual didn't come in English, so it's taking me a little while to figure things out, but hey...I've got a phone! :)


Faith said...

Now you just need to get yourself on Skype! Then we could talk free over the internet!

Bill said...

It was nice to hear your voice today. Just think of the miles those words traveled to get to Wilton.