Friday, August 22, 2008

Official Language: English...

So, the official national language of Nigeria is English, yes, the official language is English. What do I hear all the time, everywhere? Hausa. (Angie definitely warned me about this!) Most people do speak some English and school is taught in English, but Hausa is definitely the predominant tribal language here. Once you know a second language, it is supposed to make learning a third easier. I don’t think this applies if the third language is an African language as opposed to a Romantic language! I’m working really hard to learn some key phrases, but what I really need is a Hausa dictionary that has some basic grammar in it too. It makes things difficult when I am trying to write down a new phrase in my handy dandy notebook that never leaves me (best packing suggestion EVER!) and I can only hear it and never see it. I have officially mastered counting from 1-10, hello, good bye, how are you, and where’s the bathroom. It definitely provides a source of entertainment!


Faith said...

Nice! Yah for learning new ways to communicate!

Unknown said...

So... how do you say "where's the bathroom?"

Unknown said...

wait, what? they don't speak english there? for real? now whoooooooooo would have ever thought....

Ha. called it.

not that i think you mind much.... being it that you love learning new things anyways.

the god mother said...

CONGRATULATIONS on acquiring a cell phone!!! phone home..... =o)