Wednesday, August 13, 2008


With four days left before I leave, I have been contemplating about what is important enough to include in the 3 large bags and 2 carry-on's that I am able to bring with me for a year. I tend to be a last minute packer, but I know that packing for a year the night before isn't the best idea! If anyone has any great ideas about small and necessary items that might be easily overlooked, please let me know! My mom has already has the vitamins and sunscreen don't worry about those! :)


Dave said...

Hat. . ., yes, but your style is "so African!. Great to see you off just days ago. Just wanted to have a blog waiting for you in Nigeria with supportive blessing for a productive and faithful adventure. But, hey, that's been the story of your life anyway. Dave

Lorna Jost said...

Do you have a small digital camera that you can take short videos with and post to the blog? I know you are such a computer hound! Safe travels!

isuflank said...

hmm, let me think of what i wanted and was glad i had in the field... tons of books to read, personal dvd player, chapstick! batteries.

AuntB said...

Some things I was most grateful to have in the Peace Corps were a Nalgene water bottle, Teva sandals, backpack, sunglasses, travel-size toilet paper (small ziploc bag works), hand sanitizer (because there won't be a lot of sinks and soap around), small notebook to take random notes in (such as the names of people I met and a short description of them - I hate not remembering their names the next time I see them), pictures of my friends and family, familiar music, cotton undergarments (they dry quicker), swimming suit, good shoes, bandana or small towel to wipe away sweat and such, bandaids. I'm sure there's more, but those are things that came right to mind. Have fun fitting it all in your bags!!!

Anonymous said...

Carolyn - I'm looking forward to following your blog while you are there! A few things - I'm sure your've thought of these - fingernail clippers, tweezers, small mirror, any over-the-counter meds you might want, and stash away a few favorite snacks to remind you of home (animal crackers and a container of frosting? unpopped popcorn? hard candy? favorite instant beverages like flavored coffees, hot chocolate, Crystal Light packets to put in a bottle of water, etc). Pictures of your friends and family, rodent traps... :)
That is all I can think of now!

Angela said...

Chris and I never travel anywhere without crossword puzzles. Q-tips and dental floss are easily overlooked. Eye drops?

Love the hat.

Faith said...

Wahoo! How about a good pair of running shoes and your IPOD and Nike+! :) I had to add something...

Andrew Crooks said...

Wishing you the best from over in The Middle of Nowhere, Japan!

Amy said...

Well, since I have never done any hard core traveling I really have zero clue to what you may need. My vote is for chapstick, lotion, and tylenol/advil.

beverly nolte said...

Way to go, girl! You're going to finally have your "dream" come true. I know the Nigerians are super excited to meet you yet apprehensive that you will like them. Just think you will spend Labor Day, Thanksgiving, Christmas and other American and Nigerian holidays with them. What fun!


Laura R. said...

I think I've given you all the advice I can-- but you'll be fine! You're ready... And you get 3 large bags?! That's more than enough space!

Have a fantastic flight. :)